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Comment: 'JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJobSOSHibernate' added

Table of Contents


Within the JITL features we have some jobs which are used to launch commands.


In case that a statement is defined in the script part and also a command parameter is given then the command parameter is used.


  • Add your job to JOE as usual with the Java tab, e.g. by using the job wizard.
  • Switch to the Script tab and add the contents that is used as command.


  • Alternatively to using the Script tab you could use the Include tab and specify a file from which the content would be included for execution.


The following JITL jobs are relevant to We have these JITL jobs which are involved in this topic:

JITL Job JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJob

Class name:

Display feature availability

This job executes statements in a database. These can be database procedures or SQL statements. 

The database connection is specified with Job and/or Order parameters.

Configuration  in JOE

Image Added

JITL Job JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJobSOSHibernate

Class name:  com.sos.jitl.managed.job.ManagedDatabaseJobJSAdapterClass

Display feature availability

Configuration  in JOE


This job executes statements in a database. These can be database procedures or SQL statements. 

The database connection is specified in a hibernate configuration file.

Configuration instructions

See the Job JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJobSOSHibernate article for an example configuration. Image Removed

JITL Job JobSchedulerPLSQLJob

Class name

The job executes PL/SQL code for Oracle databases.

Configuration  in JOE


JITL JobSchedulerSSHJob

Class name

This job is used to execute commands, programs and/or shell scripts on a  remote server by SSH.

Configuration  in JOE