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The only prerequisite is to have the Java keytools Keytools installed with your Java JRE or JDK.


  • On the JobScheduler Agent server create the Java Keystore using the Keytools from your Java JRE or JKD. Alternatively import a certificate that your received from your certificate authority:
    • Generate the Java Keystore with the private key and public certificate for the Agent and export the certificate to a second Keystore that is later on used by the Master or use the attached script to perform this task. The below examples suggest one possible approach for certificate management, however, there may be other ways how to achieve similar results.
      • Example for use of self-signed certificate

        Code Block
        titleExample for use of self-signed certificate: generate Agent private key and export Agent public certificate
        # generate Agent private key with alias name "agent-https" in a keystore (private-https.p12)
        #   use the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) and name of your organization for the distinguished name
        keytool -genkey -alias "agent-https" -dname "CN=hostname,O=organization" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass jobscheduler -keystore "AGENT_DATA/config/private/private-https.p12" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype PKCS12
        # export the Agent public certificate to a file in PEM format (agent-https.crt)
        keytool -exportcert -rfc -noprompt -file "agent-https.crt" -alias "agent-https" -keystore "AGENT_DATA/config/private/private-https.p12" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype PKCS12
      • Example for use of CA signed certificate

        Code Block
        titleExample for use of CA signed certificate: export Agent private key and Agent public certificate
        # should your Agent private key and certificate by provided with a .jks keystore (keypair.jks) then temporarily convert the keystore to pkcs12 (keystore.p12)
        #   for later use with openssl, assuming the alias name of the Agent private key is "agent-https"
        # keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keypair.jks -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias agent-https
        # assuming your Agent private key from a pkcs12 keystore (keystore.p12), store the Agent private key to a .key file in PEM format (agent-https.key)
        openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nocerts -out agent-https.key
        # concatenate CA root certificate and CA intermediate certificates to a single CA Bundle certificate file (ca-bundle.crt)
        cat RootCACertificate.crt > ca-bundle.crt
        cat CACertificate.crt >> ca-bundle.crt
        # Export Agent private key (agent-https.key), Agent public certificate in PEM format (agent-https.crt) and CA Bundle in PEM format (ca-bundle.crt) to a new keystore (agent-https.p12)
        #   assume the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) of the Agent server to be
        openssl pkcs12 -export -in agent-https.crt -inkey agent-https.key -chain -CAfile ca-bundle.crt -name -out agent-https.p12
        # should you require use of a .jks keystore type then convert the pkcs12 keystore assuming the alias name of the Agent private key to be "agent-https"
        # keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore agent-https.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore agent-https.jks -deststoretype JKS -srcalias agent-https
    • If not otherwise configured then JobScheduler Agent and Master by default use the password jobscheduler for the respective Keystore.
    • if you choose an individual password for the Agent Keystore then adjust the following properties in the <agent_data>/config/private/private.conf configuration file:
      • Explanations
        • jobscheduler.agent.webserver.https.keystore.file is used for the path to the Keystore
        • jobscheduler.agent.webserver.https.keystore.password is used for the Keystore password
        • jobscheduler.agent.webserver.https.keystore.key-password is used for the password of your private HTTPS certificate
      • Example

        Code Block
        titleExample for private.conf file with keystore specification
        jobscheduler.agent.webserver.https.keystore {
          file = "C:/ProgramData/"
          # Backslashes are written twice (as in JSON notation):
          # file = "\\\\other-computer\\share\\my-keystore.jks"
          password = "jobscheduler"
          key-password = "jobscheduler"
    • For the Master the Truststore that contains the Agents' public certificate is expected with the password jobscheduler.
  • On the JobScheduler Agent server store the Keystore with the private key in the directory <agent_data>/config/private
    • Default file name: private-https.jks
  • On the JobScheduler Master server store the Truststore with the public certificate of the Agent in the directory <master_data>/config
    • Default file name: agent-https.jks
    • Display feature availability
      • The location, type and password of the Master Truststore can be specified:

        Code Block
        titleExample for specification of Master Truststore with Agent public certificates
        jobscheduler.master.agents.https.keystore {
          file = "/var/"
          # Backslashes are written twice (as in JSON notation):
          # file = "\\\\other-computer\\share\\my-keystore.jks"
          password = "jobscheduler"
          key-password = "jobscheduler"
      • Example for import of an Agent public certificate to a Master Truststore in pkcs12 format:

        Code Block
        titleExample for import of Agent public certificate to a pkcs12 Master Truststore
        # import Agent public certificate to a truststore (agent-https.p12) by specifying the Agent public certificate file (agent-https.crt) and alias name (agent-https)
        keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "agent-https.crt" -alias "agent-https" -keystore "SCHEDULER_DATA/config/agent-https.p12" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype PKCS12 -trustcacerts
    • Example for import of an Agent public certificate to a Master Truststore in jks format (specifying the default values for location, type and password):

      Code Block
      titleExample for import of Agent public certificate to a jks Master Truststore
      # import Agent public certificate to a truststore (agent-https.p12) by specifying the Agent public certificate file (agent-https.crt) and alias name (agent-https)
      keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "agent-https.crt" -alias "agent-https" -keystore "SCHEDULER_DATA/config/agent-https.jks" -storepass jobscheduler -trustcacerts
