

References Notes

NSCA Plugin Interface to be executed for System Monitor notification.

All variables (except OS environment variables) must be defined by using of the ${<variable name>} syntax.

  • Syntax for the JobScheduler version 1.10.6 and higher. Syntax for the JobScheduler version 1.10.4, 1.10.5 (see below) is still supported.
  • Syntax for the JobScheduler version 1.10.4, 1.10.5:
    • {<variable name>}
  • Syntax for the JobScheduler previous versions:
    • %<variable name>%


  • Message on error scheduler id=${MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID}, history id=${MON_N_ORDER_HISTORY_ID}, job_chain=${MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_NAME}(${MON_N_ORDER_ID}), step =${MON_N_ORDER_STEP_STATE}, error=${MON_N_ERROR_TEXT}
  • Message on success scheduler id=${MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID}, history id=${MON_N_ORDER_HISTORY_ID}, job_chain=${MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_NAME}(${MON_N_ORDER_ID}), steps(${MON_SN_STEP_FROM} to ${MON_SN_STEP_TO}), order time elapsed = ${MON_N_ORDER_TIME_ELAPSED}s
  • Message on timer name = ${MON_C_NAME}, scheduler id=${MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID}, history id=${MON_N_ORDER_HISTORY_ID}, job_chain=${MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_NAME}(${MON_N_ORDER_ID}), steps(${MON_C_STEP_FROM} to ${MON_C_STEP_TO}), check = ${MON_C_CHECK_TEXT}
This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the name of the host that executes the passive check. The name must match the corresponding setting in the System Monitor.
This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the hostname or ip address of System Monitor host.
This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the TCP port that the System Monitor would listen to.
This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the password of System Monitor host.
This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the connection timeout in ms. By default 5000ms will be used.
This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the response timeout in ms.
This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies that the communication with the System Monitor is encrypted. By default no encryption is used: * NONE: no encryption * XOR: * TRIPLE_DES: use of triple des algorhythm for encryption
This setting specifies the package and class name of the java plugin that executes the passive check. By default SystemNotifierSendNscaPlugin will be used.
Element Type Required Description
Attribute: service_host string
Required This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the name of the host that executes the passive check. The name must match the corresponding setting in the System Monitor.
Attribute: monitor_host string
Required This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the hostname or ip address of System Monitor host.
Attribute: monitor_port positiveInteger
Required This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the TCP port that the System Monitor would listen to.
Attribute: monitor_password string
Optional This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the password of System Monitor host.
Attribute: monitor_connection_timeout integer
  • Fixed: 5000
Optional This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the connection timeout in ms. By default 5000ms will be used.
Attribute: monitor_response_timeout integer
Optional This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies the response timeout in ms.
Attribute: monitor_encryption None Optional This setting is used for Nagios or derivative software and specifies that the communication with the System Monitor is encrypted. By default no encryption is used: * NONE: no encryption * XOR: * TRIPLE_DES: use of triple des algorhythm for encryption
Attribute: plugin string
Optional This setting specifies the package and class name of the java plugin that executes the passive check. By default SystemNotifierSendNscaPlugin will be used.