
  • A number of JS7 projects depends on other projects. Therefore the projects have to be build in a specific order. 
  • As not every project includes such dependencies the build order may be varied.
  • The sequence of builds shown here is the one used by SOS.

Order of Build Steps

  1. JS7 Build - Step 1 - Controller and Agent
  2. JS7 Build - Step 2.a - JOC Cockpit User Interface
  3. JS7 Build - Step 2.b - JOC Cockpit js7-api-schemas
  4. JS7 Build - Step 2.c - JOC Cockpit js7-inventory-schemas
  5. JS7 Build - Step 2.d - JOC Cockpit, JITL sos-components
    • depends on projects from the following repositories:
      • js7
      • js7-api-schemas
      • js7-inventory-schemas

  • No labels